How can
we help?

Our mission is to discover and ignite the spark between you and your customers so your relationships thrive and sales grow.

Our approach

Our philosophy is that the project is always designed around a client’s needs.

At Aviatrix, we have no fixed approach or “unique formula” but instead use a combination of skills, tools and technologies depending on the client and the project.

We do this by making sure we fully understand the problem you need to solve. It’s only then that we can start to build a bespoke approach using different research methodologies. If needed, we can call upon our team of experts to advise on everything from research to practical delivery.

Importantly, our process is designed to make you feel engaged, inspired and properly looked after.

As you’ll see from our testimonials, we believe the best work happens when we keep the spark alive between us and our clients.

Our services

Here is a list of just some of the services we offer to get the most relevant data and deepest insights.

Aviatrix Connection Lab

Reflecting our brand's idea of “keeping the spark alive,” the Aviatrix Connection Lab is designed to reignite passion and deepen understanding within your team and their relationship with your customers. Delivered in person, this workshop helps you clarify your research objectives with all key stakeholders. The experimental and innovative nature of our workshop, will help you understand the purpose of your research, define how to use the findings, identify existing customer information, assess available resources, determine your team's learning preferences, and explore using the research for marketing and PR purposes. Creating clear objectives and outcomes, helps gain buy-in for your research projects and establish a solid foundation for achieving a return on investment from those research efforts. 


We love using a values-based segmentation model because it is quick, simple and so insightful. Once you understand the values of your customers you can seamlessly understand why customers behave like they do and predict their needs.

Focus Groups

We call our focus groups “Spark Sessions” because we go beyond the normal focus group format to spark dialogue and ideas that will better help you understand your brand through your customers’ eyes. We’re happy to do it in person or online – whichever is the most convenient and efficient for everyone.

Online Communities

We value community research so much we created our own – Trixtalk! Community research allows you to have a group of customers on-hand to provide insight anytime you need. It is efficient, agile and brilliantly supportive as you can have your customers involved as much as you want in your decisions. We can post questions to our group or help you create your own. 


Workshops are brilliant for helping your organisation learn from consumer insights, especially when specific blind spots have been flagged from our research. Expert facilitation ensures your team is engaged and motivated to make the necessary changes and to keep people focused on the goals needed to grow your business.


Understanding the wider context of the marketplace and consumer trends is vital for analysing how and where you fit and what the opportunities are for you to thrive. We help ground you in reality with both quantitative and qualitative data so you know exactly where you stand and where you need to go next. 


We film people experiencing your product or service which allows us to very closely observe the “what, how and why” of their interaction. This gives us fascinating new levels of insight as every moment is packed full of rich, authentic material that will help you make the experience even better for them. 


Helen is a qualified transformative business coach, using her 30+ years of experience and speciality coaching training. She does both group and individual sessions and mainly works with small business owners who want to take their business to the next level. Helen has helped her clients to achieve more than they thought possible.

Online Surveys

This is normally our starting point for most projects as it’s important to gather rich quantitative data, do your segmentation and recruit for your qualitative work. We work hard at giving a full, meaningful analysis – essential for getting the most out of any online survey.

We know that our services are only as good as the people who use them, and we pride ourselves on having a team of experts who love working with our specialist mix of methodologies.

For a free consultation on which services may be best to achieve your goals, please get in touch. We’d love to help!

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